Saturday, November 4, 2006

The Curse of the Empty Page

well, I have procastinated long enough... how many ideas does one need to write a blog entry: Sooooooooooo why have I not used one of the hundred or so that came to mind today... simply because I couldn't decide... indecision...yesterday morning I went to a marsh near here, and took pics of the geese and ducks... caught these two flying over head, going north to feed in some farmer's field...

interesting fact, geese mate for life... and the saddest sound I have ever heard was one evening when I lived on the farm, just before sunset, one lone goose, flying down to Rice Lake, honking, it was such a mournful sound, echoing in the valley (the house was about 200 feet up on a moraine)

as the sun set... yesterday I didn't see any loners, but many family units... that is the way I imagined it, as they took off in flights of 10 to 15, over a period of an hour... some will winter over here in the marshes along the northern edge of Lake Ontario, so long as there is food... they are well insulated with fat, and can withstand the cold by settling in the waters at night... it is only lack of food that would drive them to go further south...

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