Saturday, November 13, 2010

What is Destiny and how do we walk it out!!

Truly trying to come to grips with that word destiny, and what's next; in truth,  a friend probably said it best in her e-mail, it is a rapid ride that we control the day to day (free will), but in the background is the real direction maker; 

I think of it as being a river, where we are in a kayak, and at times there are quiet pools of reflection, where we have lots of control, and can pick directions to smell the roses and choose to move towards the shore, but always the current pulls us along; and then there are the rapids, which just wooooooooosh us along with rocks and shoals, which we have to deftly get about, and if we spy a smooth area we endeavour to move towards it for a break from the struggle; 

but the fun thing is, we are not in the river alone, for it is a broad river and there are many travelling it; so we occasionally bump into one another and share experiences; sometime too we try to connect and it just doesn't work out; not going our way or the timing is not right; anyone of a multitude of reasons; 

so what is destined to be our lot; that good old Islamic saying comes to mind; "Struggle is the meaning of life. Defeat or victory is in the hands of God (the current). But struggle itself is Man's duty and should be his joy." - Aga Khan;

so dear friends, struggle on, set you eye on the polar star and mark your course; the next bend in the river is just ahead, will it bring smooth paddling or wild rapids ;-) 

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thoughts to question the Universe with!!

I wrote this post 4 years ago this month, on the 18th; that would be Nov 18th 2006 ;-) little knowing that on Jan 24th 2007 I would be in a plane over the Irish Sea, about to land in Manchester UK ;-) but I just found it again, and a lot of thoughts are going through my mind, about Destiny and where we are headed; see the next post for my thoughts; SW

Walking out my Destiny
Nov 18th 2006

The title outlines the purpose very succinctly… Walking out my destiny… taken from the title of a religious magazine I found in the bathroom this morning… Kenneth Copeland Ministries… July 2006… perhaps I should have read it earlier ;0… but walking I am doing now… my brother and I began last week, but one thing and another, he got distracted from it, and I just waited for him to get back on track… however, last night I had a bad night, and lots of dreams… always dream, never go to sleep without dreaming… most are what I call entertainment, nothing to write home about… but this morning I had one which upon waking had me thinking a mile a minute… getting into shape… ideas were coming at me from every direction… from going walking myself, to fixing up a used tread mill that I had repaired, into a gym centre, with weights, and pulleys, to making weights that would fit on my body, without encumbering it so that I couldn't move around, or work… like some of the stuff I see people in Gym Ads wearing, leg and ankle weights, definitely not what I am looking for… want something that I can wear with street clothes and it isn't noticeable that I am, aside from perhaps appearing a bit overweight…

The point to the wearing weights, over weight people can loose weight faster than lighter people because their bodies have to work harder… ergo, if I add weight, then my body has to work harder and the weight will come off faster… now I am hoping that by positioning the weight in areas that need to lose weight that too will have a beneficial affect… perhaps, perhaps not ;)

This morning, I knew that I could not get the weights ready, so I got my Sony CD player and put some batteries in it, only to find that the music, which I hadn't listened to since this time last year, while working at the church, was Christmas music ;0… then I got the camera and tripod, put 3 layers of shirts and my fav hoodie on… I met my brother as I was getting ready… he was headed back to bed, after he had a rough night, at 6:45… told him, and he said, 'I'll believe you, thousands wouldn't!!'

I headed out at 7, and walked down to the lake, thinking that I would take a few pictures, not that the weather was any good, dark and dismal… very over cast… it took me only 15 minutes to get to the lake, then I wandered around within a very constricted area, taking pics, then started back at 7:20… arriving at 8:39… took longer because I was still taking pictures ;0… really got into it hahaha… anyway, I arrived home and made some coffee from Chile, which a friend of my eldest daughter's gave me, and set about blogging… when it went frizz… I did take a pedometer that my brother had given me last week, and it registered 5449 steps, which translates into about 2.57 miles… so really not bad at as a start… but as I have discovered once started, gotta keep going… so there will be more morning walks to the lake… perhaps taking the whole morning to walk about… as for the weights and the tread mill, that will have to wait for another day… right now I have some work for money to do, packaging sample breakfast diet drinks HOL, now how is that for co-incidence… only found out when I had a peek while sorting stuff out just now… I REALLY think Some one is trying awfully hard to get through hahaha

Of course as usual, comments and ideas gratefully received…

Monday, November 1, 2010

What Next???

Halloween is over for another year;

Web 2 and soon to be Web 3 are around the corner, with all the other many other new apps and electronic tools and medical procedures brought to us by the new technology will change life and how we live it as drastically in the next 10-15 years as the last 30-50 years have changed life;

40 years ago the cry against technology and Space Exploration was we had to get things straightened up on our planet before we spent money on Space, but now after 40 years and counting, nothing has changed, other than we have more problems than we did in 1964-69 and we didn't get rid of poverty, war, or inequality; sure some places have benefited, like South Africa, Russia and East Germany!! but in reality, we are still a mess, with poverty and hunger in the First World that rivals that in the Third World Countries;

now we have Climate Change and the Fight to reduce CO2 emissions which threatens to stall the economic advances of the Third World, while the stronger Nations, like China, Canada, India, the USA and Russia fight any real attempt at control; and like I said, technological advances are just around the corner that will propel us into the 21st century at light speed ;-) I think it makes the book (WALDEN) on Thoreau's view of life all the more relevant as a means to balance the mental tight rope walk of life in this new age;

While I just lit three candles to see how much light they shine in my little corner display around the computer, Father Christmas and Indonesian Wood Carvings, I am reflecting on what next; last night I was up for 3-4 hours looking through the tech news; don't read the "real" news much; it never really changes except the names and locations; but the Tech news does; there is an Egyptian who is going to revolutionize Canadian telecomm industry by forcing them to compete against him and thus give consumer some real choice; a few new ways to get past the silicon chip (it was discovered in the late 1950's) and make electronics faster, more powerful and smaller; a stem cell was used to create a miniature liver; and of course last spring the creation of heart cells from stem cells; individual genome studies are available online, not sure of the safety of this, but if you know about cloud computing, their technology is akin to that (web 3 ???) soon we will all be able to have our individual genomes read and available for study as easily as we can access our credit reports; have heart disease or kidney disease, get a new one created from your skin cells, no rejection; this week we celebrate 10 years of ISS human occupation; in 10 years they will be deciding whether to extend it's life again; mean while Bigelow will be putting up Space Habitats in LEO and probably between the Earth and the Moon, with plans for a Lunar Base a couple of years down the road; by 2040, at the latest, the first persons born in Space and on another celestial body, will have celebrated their first BD; and a Martian colony is a distinct possibility by the year 2050-60;
last year we changed over here at the Hermitage to the fluorescent low energy lamps; this year our hydro has gone up, and we are planning on investing in LED lamps and motion/proximity detectors to turn off and on lights; last week we bought a LED bulb, with 1.5 watt usage, but 120 Lumen of light production, which is about twice the light as the 3 candles; it cost 9 dollars; for 15 dollars we can get a 220 Lumen bulb, 2.5 watt usage; that and the change over of the Halloween and Christmas decorations to LED and soon LED computer monitors, we hope to cut down the cost of hydro;

but having said that, I am looking at buying a 12" compound mitre saw for 315 dollars including tax for making frames for stretching canvas and framing pictures and painting, as well as other projects; (building another Walden??) all small steps forward;

But again, WHAT'S NEXT!!??? 52 days to Chrimbo!!