Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Open letter to Heather Malleck of the Tor-Star

Hi Heather, I am having the devil's own time of logging in to comment, but I want to make a point!

I am disabled, 63 in January, and unlike other's don't want a CPP Disability Pension, it will limit what I can earn at a later date, IF I am ever able to get something going.Ontario DSP, when I applied, replied that I wasn't disabled enough.I need to be under a nurses care.
My income is made up of 180 dollars CPP and the rest tops up to 643 with OW/SS benefits. The CPP is limited because of back injuries and surgery when I was in my 30's working in warehousing and have been forced in my work life to take either low paying, or non CPP deducting jobs, or be a stay at home dad; in the end, while I asked my ex wife to give me the years that she holds, for CPP, which I looked after the kids, she rightly refused; those were years she worked and contributed to the fund (btw we're friends); I am SOL; at 64 I will apply for the Old Age Supplement, to get it when I arrive at 65; but in the mean time, I jog along, making a bit of progress each month; life is not all beer and pretzels, but it sure is better than water and bread ;-)
Health wise I have deteriorated, but I am not giving up my dreams; I am not going to give the Scrooges that are commenting on your column the satisfaction of seeing my body on the DVP after a flying leap off the Via Duct; In this day and age, it would be easy to rephrase Scrooges reply to the men looking for donations for the poor, in modern terms; (see below)
Am I down Hearted?? NO!!! (Brit ex-pat) other than the occasional depression about being single, and that rarely, I am moving forward not backward;




First Collector: At this festive time of year, Mr. Scrooge, it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the poor and destitute.
Ebenezer: Are there no prisons?
First Collector: Plenty of prisons and many more being built, with stricter sentences.
Ebenezer: And the Social Services and Ontario Works systems, they are still in operation, supplying cheap part time labour?? And the Food Banks, Thrift Stores and Soup Kitchens have not closed down?
First Collector: They are. I wish I could say they were not so necessary.
Ebenezer: Oh, from what you said at first I was afraid that something had happened to stop them in their useful course. I'm very glad to hear it.
First Collector: I don't think you quite understand us, sir. A few of us are endeavoring to buy the poor some meat and drink, and means of warmth.
Ebenezer: Why?
First Collector: Because it is at Christmastime that want is most keenly felt, and abundance rejoices. Now what can I put you down for?
Ebenezer: Huh! Nothing!
Second Collector: You wish to be anonymous?
Ebenezer: [firmly, but calmly] I wish to be left alone. Since you ask me what I wish sir, that is my answer. I help to support the establishments I have named through my taxes and support for the Conservative Party; those who are badly off must go there.
First Collector: Many can't go there.
Second Collector: And some would rather die.
Ebenezer: [firmly, loudly and dismissively] Then let them die and decrease the burden on the GDP!!! GOOD DAY, Gentlemen!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Making Christmas

I have been thinking this past couple of days about "Why am I hitting my head against the lack of Enthusiasm for Christmas traditions amongst my family and others??" only a few people are involved in Christmas, and other's are either expecting the Old Folks to Make Christmas, or are doing the commercial thing, of buying ready made products; to busy to be involved in the Real Spirit of Christmas

Some of it can be laid at the feet of Parents who have done everything, and not involved the kids; for others it is our fast paste lives, spread out from Family and Friends; while still more likely is the lack of any desire to get into a Seasonal Spirit of Past Traditions Handed Down, it's too much work and takes time, so not the quick fix that the Fast Food / Instant Gratification Society wants life to be;

My generation may be the last one to have grown up with and done for themselves the Christmas Traditions, at least as far as I know in my own immediate family; only one Daughter has any inclination to Make Christmas, and she married a man who is into that as well; regardless of his other faults, he is still someone that I am glad is in the family ;-)
This year we will have our first Christmas Dinner here at the house, with a Pot Luck, overly organized but still a start; then on New Years Day, we are planning another dinner Pot Luck, we will have more of the traditions of the family, with additions from my daughter's husband, mixing in; it will be a Made Celebration, not bought; home made beer, mead, punch, wines; puddings, cakes, and year old mincemeat I started last January; 4-5 traditional cookies, cinnamon buns, Christmas Tryfle and Jul log rolls; the nuts, cold cuts, cheeses, with home made sausage rolls, buns and breads; and of course The Real Music and Movies of Christmas !!

But Christmas Traditions are more than just food and partying; they are just a way of sharing and caring amongst the family; each one bringing what they do best, and making up the Celebration; for the religious or spiritual amongst us, it is a concrete way of sharing the Gift of the Messiah with the family and friends; by going amongst the houses and visiting, sharing a drink, cookies or cold lunches, along with chat and hugs, that is building relationships that epitomize the Spirit of the Season; whatever religion we belong to it is universal to people at this time of transition in the yearly calendar;

What to me are important traditions, won't be important to others, and while I won't do all their traditions, I will realize they are important to them and respect their doing and sharing; in the end we all grow and develop as people and friends; if I had not met the Wagners and other Northern and Eastern Europeans, I would not have the joy and pleasure of those traditions in my Christmas, added to my own families traditions; it is an evolving organic celebration that can and will change with each generation, but the core is always there; as my son said in November, Christmas to him now, would not be Christmas without the Weihnachten Lieder or German Christmas Songs to those who don't know the term;

Prettige Kerstdagen en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Noflike Krystdagen en in Lokkich Nijjier
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année
Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår
God Jul og Godt Nyttår
God jul och gott nytt år
Boas Festas e um feliz Ano Novo
Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo
Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo
Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou
Veselé Vánoce a Šastný Nový Rok!
Hyvää Joulua Ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!
Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
Wesolych swiat i szczesliwego nowego roku

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The going, not the destination!!!

Space the New Frontier, to boldly ignore it, and grow fat and lazy, to go no where, and live the status quo; is that what we should do!! To listen to a lot of people, who complain that there are more important things to do here on Earth, and we don't have the Billions it will take to go into Space, we would think so. 

      Mr and Mrs Joe Nobody, and their kids, have more to worry about on a daily basis than getting into Space; that is a luxury they can't afford; what with the economy tanking and jobs scarce; petrol, food, housing, health and education costs rising as fast as the waters of the oceans because of Global Climate Change (whatever the cause) how can they possibly have time to think of the consequences of NOT becoming a Space Faring Species; 

       But we as a Species are stuck in a basement apartment, with all our basic needs met, even if it is getting crowded and the supplies are getting spread thin; it is a nice basement apartment and so we don't notice that things are getting a bit tight; but like for myself, it is a beautiful trap; 

         I live in a lovely basement apartment, with a full freezer, stove, 4 rooms including kitchen, toilet, workshop and laundry facilities; groceries and other supplies are delivered; there really is no NEED to go upstairs; but in the past 5 years, I have experienced a degenerating body; I can do nothing and stay in my lovely basement, but eventually I will be carried out and put in a Nursing Home, where a 20 something beauty, will change my diaper, while another one will feed me, another give me sponge baths, and I will sit in a wheel chair in front of a picture window looking out on the world that I would once have explored at will, but now restricted from for my own safety; 

           Or I can fight against the enclosing future, and exercise my body and work towards getting out of my basement, not that I need anything up there, but because to do so will free me from a future of dependency and degeneration;

           That is the choice that the human species has; the destinations, of Moon, Cis-Lunar, NEO, LEO, the Inner Planets and the Outer Planets, are not important, as we don't need what they have; we can live without them, but eventually we will degenerate and become a marginalized and extinct species, whether by global cataclysm, or just the degeneration of our society through war and pestilence; the goal is not as important, as it is the doing and going, which will exercise our species muscles of intellect and economy;  

            I have said nothing of the potential dangers that lurk in my basement; the possibility of a fire. quake, or heat attack, that could leave me trapped if I am unable to climb the stairs to the outside door, because my leg muscles have degenerated to the point that climbing the stairs is impossible; I already have one leg that last year was at that point due to an injury; by persistent use, I have brought it up to 50% strength, and perhaps I can increase that yet; but like the Space Industry, if I don't have that goal of doing, it will remain withered and useless; getting out of the house is not the goal, as the Moon is not the goal, the real goal is to be able to get up those stairs, or in the case of humanity, to develop the ability to go into Space where ever we wish; 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What is Destiny and how do we walk it out!!

Truly trying to come to grips with that word destiny, and what's next; in truth,  a friend probably said it best in her e-mail, it is a rapid ride that we control the day to day (free will), but in the background is the real direction maker; 

I think of it as being a river, where we are in a kayak, and at times there are quiet pools of reflection, where we have lots of control, and can pick directions to smell the roses and choose to move towards the shore, but always the current pulls us along; and then there are the rapids, which just wooooooooosh us along with rocks and shoals, which we have to deftly get about, and if we spy a smooth area we endeavour to move towards it for a break from the struggle; 

but the fun thing is, we are not in the river alone, for it is a broad river and there are many travelling it; so we occasionally bump into one another and share experiences; sometime too we try to connect and it just doesn't work out; not going our way or the timing is not right; anyone of a multitude of reasons; 

so what is destined to be our lot; that good old Islamic saying comes to mind; "Struggle is the meaning of life. Defeat or victory is in the hands of God (the current). But struggle itself is Man's duty and should be his joy." - Aga Khan;

so dear friends, struggle on, set you eye on the polar star and mark your course; the next bend in the river is just ahead, will it bring smooth paddling or wild rapids ;-) 

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thoughts to question the Universe with!!

I wrote this post 4 years ago this month, on the 18th; that would be Nov 18th 2006 ;-) little knowing that on Jan 24th 2007 I would be in a plane over the Irish Sea, about to land in Manchester UK ;-) but I just found it again, and a lot of thoughts are going through my mind, about Destiny and where we are headed; see the next post for my thoughts; SW

Walking out my Destiny
Nov 18th 2006

The title outlines the purpose very succinctly… Walking out my destiny… taken from the title of a religious magazine I found in the bathroom this morning… Kenneth Copeland Ministries… July 2006… perhaps I should have read it earlier ;0… but walking I am doing now… my brother and I began last week, but one thing and another, he got distracted from it, and I just waited for him to get back on track… however, last night I had a bad night, and lots of dreams… always dream, never go to sleep without dreaming… most are what I call entertainment, nothing to write home about… but this morning I had one which upon waking had me thinking a mile a minute… getting into shape… ideas were coming at me from every direction… from going walking myself, to fixing up a used tread mill that I had repaired, into a gym centre, with weights, and pulleys, to making weights that would fit on my body, without encumbering it so that I couldn't move around, or work… like some of the stuff I see people in Gym Ads wearing, leg and ankle weights, definitely not what I am looking for… want something that I can wear with street clothes and it isn't noticeable that I am, aside from perhaps appearing a bit overweight…

The point to the wearing weights, over weight people can loose weight faster than lighter people because their bodies have to work harder… ergo, if I add weight, then my body has to work harder and the weight will come off faster… now I am hoping that by positioning the weight in areas that need to lose weight that too will have a beneficial affect… perhaps, perhaps not ;)

This morning, I knew that I could not get the weights ready, so I got my Sony CD player and put some batteries in it, only to find that the music, which I hadn't listened to since this time last year, while working at the church, was Christmas music ;0… then I got the camera and tripod, put 3 layers of shirts and my fav hoodie on… I met my brother as I was getting ready… he was headed back to bed, after he had a rough night, at 6:45… told him, and he said, 'I'll believe you, thousands wouldn't!!'

I headed out at 7, and walked down to the lake, thinking that I would take a few pictures, not that the weather was any good, dark and dismal… very over cast… it took me only 15 minutes to get to the lake, then I wandered around within a very constricted area, taking pics, then started back at 7:20… arriving at 8:39… took longer because I was still taking pictures ;0… really got into it hahaha… anyway, I arrived home and made some coffee from Chile, which a friend of my eldest daughter's gave me, and set about blogging… when it went frizz… I did take a pedometer that my brother had given me last week, and it registered 5449 steps, which translates into about 2.57 miles… so really not bad at as a start… but as I have discovered once started, gotta keep going… so there will be more morning walks to the lake… perhaps taking the whole morning to walk about… as for the weights and the tread mill, that will have to wait for another day… right now I have some work for money to do, packaging sample breakfast diet drinks HOL, now how is that for co-incidence… only found out when I had a peek while sorting stuff out just now… I REALLY think Some one is trying awfully hard to get through hahaha

Of course as usual, comments and ideas gratefully received…

Monday, November 1, 2010

What Next???

Halloween is over for another year;

Web 2 and soon to be Web 3 are around the corner, with all the other many other new apps and electronic tools and medical procedures brought to us by the new technology will change life and how we live it as drastically in the next 10-15 years as the last 30-50 years have changed life;

40 years ago the cry against technology and Space Exploration was we had to get things straightened up on our planet before we spent money on Space, but now after 40 years and counting, nothing has changed, other than we have more problems than we did in 1964-69 and we didn't get rid of poverty, war, or inequality; sure some places have benefited, like South Africa, Russia and East Germany!! but in reality, we are still a mess, with poverty and hunger in the First World that rivals that in the Third World Countries;

now we have Climate Change and the Fight to reduce CO2 emissions which threatens to stall the economic advances of the Third World, while the stronger Nations, like China, Canada, India, the USA and Russia fight any real attempt at control; and like I said, technological advances are just around the corner that will propel us into the 21st century at light speed ;-) I think it makes the book (WALDEN) on Thoreau's view of life all the more relevant as a means to balance the mental tight rope walk of life in this new age;

While I just lit three candles to see how much light they shine in my little corner display around the computer, Father Christmas and Indonesian Wood Carvings, I am reflecting on what next; last night I was up for 3-4 hours looking through the tech news; don't read the "real" news much; it never really changes except the names and locations; but the Tech news does; there is an Egyptian who is going to revolutionize Canadian telecomm industry by forcing them to compete against him and thus give consumer some real choice; a few new ways to get past the silicon chip (it was discovered in the late 1950's) and make electronics faster, more powerful and smaller; a stem cell was used to create a miniature liver; and of course last spring the creation of heart cells from stem cells; individual genome studies are available online, not sure of the safety of this, but if you know about cloud computing, their technology is akin to that (web 3 ???) soon we will all be able to have our individual genomes read and available for study as easily as we can access our credit reports; have heart disease or kidney disease, get a new one created from your skin cells, no rejection; this week we celebrate 10 years of ISS human occupation; in 10 years they will be deciding whether to extend it's life again; mean while Bigelow will be putting up Space Habitats in LEO and probably between the Earth and the Moon, with plans for a Lunar Base a couple of years down the road; by 2040, at the latest, the first persons born in Space and on another celestial body, will have celebrated their first BD; and a Martian colony is a distinct possibility by the year 2050-60;
last year we changed over here at the Hermitage to the fluorescent low energy lamps; this year our hydro has gone up, and we are planning on investing in LED lamps and motion/proximity detectors to turn off and on lights; last week we bought a LED bulb, with 1.5 watt usage, but 120 Lumen of light production, which is about twice the light as the 3 candles; it cost 9 dollars; for 15 dollars we can get a 220 Lumen bulb, 2.5 watt usage; that and the change over of the Halloween and Christmas decorations to LED and soon LED computer monitors, we hope to cut down the cost of hydro;

but having said that, I am looking at buying a 12" compound mitre saw for 315 dollars including tax for making frames for stretching canvas and framing pictures and painting, as well as other projects; (building another Walden??) all small steps forward;

But again, WHAT'S NEXT!!??? 52 days to Chrimbo!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Will we become a Space Faring Species in the next 150 years


Quote from Robotbeat

In 150 years, there are at least 20,000 people on Mars (not necessarily in one colony). How did they get there? What are they doing? Why?

Try to provide unique but very believable answers, like Jules Verne. No "technological singularity" allowed (too easy). Try to have a different scenario from other posters. Everything must be based on real physics (or reasonable extrapolations), though engineering is more flexible (extra points if the engineering is realistic, low tech can also be interesting). Ready.... Go!

my answer
I do get tired of the defeatist thinking on this and other forums; we have gone from pre Flight to Wright Brothers and Space flight in about the same time that Robotbeat is asking us to imagine how we would set up a colony on Mars; in terms of human ingenuity and will, I don't think it is all that hard to imagine that in 150 years we won't have live births on the Moon, Mars and in Space Stations dotting the inner Solar System;
what I do find hard to believe is the degree of cynicism amongst the space community; it is as if the wind had been taken out of the sails of an American Cup yacht while racing to the finish line, and the crew just gives up;
what we will be doing, what we should be doing and what we could be doing in 150 years are 3 different things; and will basically depend on whether or not, we as a race, sit back and moan about the present, or our dreamers dream big dreams and we get inspired to do the “impossible”. By impossible, I don't mean warp drive or star-gates, I mean taking on projects that push the present envelop of human progress, advancement to the next level; Moon Bases, Space Stations, Mars colonies, Asteroid mining and maneuvering, and Space Craft that don't return to a gravity well; the technology is there to do it, we just need to bring it together;
In 150 years I would hope that we had begun utilizing ISRU (In Space Resource Utilization) through mining Asteroids, and bringing them closer to the Earth / Moon and Mars Systems; the Martians and Lunarians would begin building their own civilizations, to become independent trading partners of an Earth, Moon, Mars alliance in another 100 years OR LESS; perhaps we would have large scale Space Stations at the L-points between Earth / Moon, and Mars; Terra-forming of Mars and Venus would have begun in earnest, and the first person to reach a Jovian Moon would have returned; we would no longer be building space craft in gravity wells, but in space, out of materials mined in space;
This is what I see when I look to the future, not the same old, same old that a lot of you seem to think is our future as a race; there will be a time when the last of us baby boomers die off; there will be good times again between now and then and in the future; there will be leaders of industry, science and politics, born in this century that push the envelop; and there will be people who say, why, what is the good, we have problems to solve here on Earth;
but the final point is: the easy wealth has all but been run out here on this planet; if we want to advance, we need space exploitation and exploration; whether we do or don't, the results will be our legacy to the future; that is why answering the question at the beginning of this thread is important; not that the answers are accurate, but that they bespeak hope and imagination for the future of our children; our legacy to them;

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Space, will it be the Final Frontier???

What do we want from the US Civilian Space Program over the next 40 years?

I am not an American, let me be abundantly clear on that; I live in Canada and was born in Grt. Britain;
Second, this question, while pointing out the USA Space Program, is not restricted to them; I stole it from here;


as this was becoming frustrating, at the plethora of opposition to almost any options being put forward that would leverage the Human Space Flight advances in the coming 40 years, in the USA. But I suspect that, as the forum is international in scope and origin, that it reflects the emotional interest of the majority of Space Geeks in the World (Western Civilization)
In my opinion, Ross makes a valid assumption, that either we go with the slow and easy, and go no-where philosophy, or we grab the bull by the horns and push the beast back; what that means to me is utilize every available resource and intellectual advantage to put mankind into Exploration of the Inner Planets in a way that accesses resources and energy to bring us to a new level of civilization;
Human civilization has been around for approximately 90 thousand years depending on your interpretation; and it has only been the past 9 thousand that we have made substantial advances that have brought us to the point of leaving the planet; we are using 16% of our planets resources in Energy, and that is our bank account to get off planet, the easily accessible resources; (the BP oil spill is an example of going after harder to reach resources)
with that preface, how to answer the question at the top of the page;
What CAN we do in the next 40 years given the infrastructure and budgets today??

A lot, and yet not as much as we could; the infrastructure in the US is on life support, and slowly / painfully being dismantled, so that the ISS is supported, with adequate funding for R & D; the US can only find the financial and political capital to fund one and not the other, ISS or HLV;
this is their NASA civil space program, which is 0.06% of their National Budget; if the political capital and Will were available, there were would be adequate funding, but it isn't, and most likely won't be for the duration of the first half of this century; it won't be until later in the century, when persons of adequate background find their way into power and change the direction; in the meantime it is "stagnant quo" as one Congress Woman described it;
So what the Americans do in the next 40 years;
1) continue the experiment of turning to Commercial Space companies to support the ISS; supporting them and seeing that they hit their targets in regard to developing their technologies to deliver cargo and eventually crewed space vehicles; in 15 years they will be in a prime position to walk on their own; Already SpaceX has benefited from it's first test flight of the Falcon 9, but expanding it's launch manifest to beyond 2017, and that is only the beginning; if they can keep their costs down, as promised, and reliability of service, then there is hope that their other plans to develop HLV and BFR engines, with the proceeds; given their history of keeping development costs down, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that by 2030-35 they could be launching Moon Orbit space craft; I use SpaceX as an example only because they are the most visible; there are many more out there in the US (what of the rest of the world's Commercial Space companies, invisible below the horizon) who are prepared and preparing to advance robotic and human space flight; the next 40 years will see great advances by these companies, potentially leap frogging the US civil space authority, unless political interference (ie requirements to support Pork, in return for licensing) holds them back, which is not all that unlikely as the Pork dwindles in the Civil Space Arena;

2) Leveraging the existing Civil Space Infrastructure; this is a hodge podge of companies and design centers; NASA is spread out over the USA not for technological reasons, but to buy support in the government for policy decisions; it began during the cold war and has become institutionalized in government and has resulted in grid lock, which now has expanded beyond the halls of power, into the society as a whole, where political influence has made it impossible to get consensus or compromise; lines of politics are polarized and inflexible; in historical perspective, this is often a precursor to revolution; personal attacks are often resorted to in place of logical argument; conspiracy theories are taken as fact, and the most blatant hyperbola is given credence over reality; ignorance reigns supreme and education is suspect as elitism;
so in a society such as this, (which again, while at the extreme edge, is still representative of many countries in the west) what is likely to happen with the existing Civil Space Infrastructure in the next 40 years;
in the next 15 years:
the Constellation program as it existed in 2009 is dead and the Shuttle program is to be torn down by hook or by crook; the brain trust that is NASA and it's various centers will be disbanded, to go where ever they can survive; and the ISS supported as long as it is capable of staying aloft, supported by Commercial Space Industries, until it becomes top heavy in upkeep costs; R & D will be performed as much as it can be afforded, and some progress will be seen, but it will not be developed into an exploration infrastructure, which is what is needed for a robust space program; it is a program on life support; the grand plans from FY2011, will be defunded in 2016, as too expensive, and other government priorities will take center stage; the progress of Commercial Space will be touted as the new way to explore and by default Exploration will be taken over by them in the short term; ISS will be the show piece to say that the US is still in space;
in the remaining 25 years:
Deep Breath, this is a hard prediction, as it depends on whether or not Civil Space in the US exists in 15 years as anything more than an R & D resource; doing one off demonstration projects, like propellant depot testing, not actual propellant depot infrastructure in LEO, L-points or LLO; the technology that is found to work, will be handed off to Commercial Space for a fraction of it's costs and left to them to decided what to cherry pick to use in their Space Exploration Architectures;
I make that Architectures, plural because I believe that once the economic reason for being is found amongst the commercial entities, there will be competition like the days of the opening up of North America; the next 40 years may see the seed of that exploration;
Commercial Space will have the edge, and will be in position to develop the Human Space Flight exploration flexible path; not the one we know of today, from the Augustine Committee; but one developed from their capabilities, proven over the next 15 years;
1) there will be a HLV built when it is realized that one is required for economical launching of MASS / VOLUME pieces of Space Modules, Space Infrastructure, and Space Craft; ROI will be seen as needing to be amortized over decades and not years for the rest of the century; 50 years instead of 5 to 10; their will be several variants of HLV and possibly a SHLV towards the end of the 40 years
1b) After the 15-20 years of The Gap, new Space Craft will be created from plans that are now gathering dust; Tugs for moving objects in Space will be developed and utilized to move Space Station Modules from LEO to HEO, and beyond; Lunar Landers will be reusable, lasting 5-10 years; a variety of Earth Return Vehicles will have come into existence; some will be capsules, while there will also be Space Planes, capable of Sub-orbital flight and insertion into LEO; it will start small, but by 2050, it is probable that a commercial case may be made for people and cargo will ride to space in freighters and taxis, returning on a semi regular basis;
2) A new era of Space Station development will begin in the next 15 years, as test articles are flown to the ISS, and later to other points around the planet; between 2025 and 2050, there will be several new ISS and Commercial Space Stations positioned around the Inner Planets; other Nations will have their own space stations positioned in LEO, but with the lead time the US has in this field, it will be the US Commercial Space Stations that will be first to BEO;
3) light weight modules will be developed from the modules that make up the space stations, and become the core infrastructure on the Lunar surface, and the Martian Moons; there may be an attempt late, about 2045, to land one on an Asteroid, as a precursor mission to asteroid mining;
4) we WON'T have landed a person on Mars by 2050; while NASA has it in it's FY2011 budget as THE GOAL of exploration, unless there is a compelling reason, such as a Space Race to get a Man to Mars, there is no societal, political, or technological reason or will, to do it; we will put robotic outposts on the surface and repeat the Rovers and Orbital Observatories or Stations (similar to ones around Earth, but for a short duration stay, about the last 5 years of the 40 year term); it will be in the latter half of the century that humans set up a colony on Mars, after testing out the infrastructure on the Moon, around Mars and in Space between the inner planets;
5) we will have a human go to an Asteroid, as a demonstration mission, and example of a Mars type mission in duration, by 2030 and repeated 2-3 times; this after several more Engineering missions similar to the one that the Japanese just completed; Robotic In Space Resource Utilization mission will be attempted to an Asteroid by 2045-50; but in the end, it will be manned ISRU, in the second half of the century that will be common place, simply because repair of machinery that if disabled, will cost millions of dollars to the people who own the rights;
6) which brings up an interesting problem, who will own the rights to the resources of the Solar System; if an unlimited source of energy in space were discovered, with the potential to make every man, woman and child, free of the economic system we now exist under, would it be made available or would the finder/producer, be in a position to determine market terms; this is no idle question; today we have mining companies extracting minerals in places as varied as Alberta Tar Sands, and Nigerian Oil Fields, where there, the ability of the people who live on the land to gain any of the wealth created is proportional to the greed of the people who govern them; in the next 40 years it is possible that some form of Space Resource Agreement will have to be struck with the worlds governments, otherwise there will be civil unrest like has not been seen since the Dark Ages;

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How to feed all those poor people

in India, Haiti, Ryerson, York U., Toronto U, Trent U. Seneca College, Centennial College, Durham College;
I am of course being facetious, but the Toronto Star, on Monday, March 8th in a column in the Greater Toronto section entitled The OSAP Diet, university students blog about learning to feed themselves on just $7.50 a day on page GT3 written by Louise Brown, their education reporter. Now I don't have a serious problem with this, I have known students who struggled for years getting through their degree courses, only to be left with huge debts to pay back; How ever there are many students on low income budgets existing on Ontario Student Assistant Plan, a loan program that assists low income students to get an education; they are ALLOWED a maximum of ONLY $12, 540 dollars a year for living expenses whle away from home; that doesn't sound like a lot compared to the Ontario's poverty level of $15,200 for rural areas and $22,171 in larger cities; but wait, what about the poor single sods on Ontario Works, who are expected to live on $221 basic needs and maximum $364 shelter allowance per month; that translates to $2652 basic needs per year and $7.27 per day. That is to cover BOTH food, clothing, transportation, hair cuts, and any other little luxury that may be desired; where do they get off saying that these students are so hard done by; I have to pay $400 a month for a two room apartment, which includes my internet, kitchen faciities and laundry; a difference of $36 which has to come out of my food allowance; thus in reality leaving me in a deficit situation; so what do I cut out, food, clothing, transportation, haircuts, or all of above; and before anyone complains that I am writing on a computer, so can't be doing that badly, this laptop as described below in another post, is 11 years old and not up to snuff; it was given to me Christmas 2008; my food budget is on average 50 dollars a month; that is just under 2 dollars a day; yet I am able to buy on sale, bulk items like meat, soya margerine, and potatoes; it took me 3 months, but I saved enough to buy a 7cu ft chest freezer; it took me 2 months to save up the money to expand the memory in my work tower, which is 6 years old, and to get a visa gift card to allow me to purchase the time on Cafe Press; this is the reality of my life on Ontario Works (Benefits, or Social Assisatance for those not in Ontario); but I don't go complaining to the papers; what good is it going to do, NONE!! the government and the people don't want to hear about it; if the people (not my worker, she is a gem) at OW head office heard I was complaining it may opem me up for investigation.

this week,
breakfast is 1 cup of rolled oats, with milk and sugar;
Lunch is a sandwich, usually peanut butter OR jam;
my dinners consist of a concotion (I failed to see it being equivalent of a recipe)
1 lb boiled and drained hamburger
1 box of macaroni and cheese dinner
2 cups of mixed vegetables
a squirt of tomato ketchup;
divided up and put in the freezer, I nuke it, and it will do me 4 meals at least; I have an apple for dessert, and lots of coffee or home made gingerbeer
oh yes, I make my own pop; take 1 lb of ginger root, 98cents, cut up, and boiled in a stock pot, add 2 cups of white sugar, and a bit of lemon juice, and voila you have a drink fit for a Cratchit ;0
if I really want to splurge, I have recipe for a steamed pudding, that is cheap and easy to make, and can last a week in the fridge, but better put in the freezer, as it tends to grow mold if left too long; it can be made for desert, or amended with meat, to make a dinner; bacon, hamburger, ham, or sausage/hot dogs works;
other than this, I make a lot of soups from the seconds section of the vegetale/fruit of No Frills; that's where I also get my potatoes and sometimes my ginger root; 3lbs for $1.49 for the ginger root; I buy bulk flour, the 10kg bags of All Purpose No Name; it usually lasts me 2-3 months, depending on if I am making crepes for breakfast; and the syrup, no store bought syrup; I take 2 cups of brown sugar, 2 cups of white sugar, and sometimes a cup of cider powder mix, and boil it down, put it in a wine bottle to keep ;) makes for interesting conversation at breakfast if someone is about; if I don't have the cider mix, I either make it plain or add a flavouring, almond extract, or vanilla extract; I am sure there are other things that can be done, if one puts some thought to it; like boil the water before hand in cinamon, cloves, nutmeg, or ginger or a mix of them all;
last year I found some trees along a nearby road, that were crab apple trees, and I took a couple of grocery bags full, and made some jam preserve; didn't quite turn out right, my first try, but it also serves as a decent syrup; there are ways to survive on limited income, well, if a person takes the time and puts their mind to it; we have wild grape growing around the city, and if one knows how, the leaves can be used as part of a dinner, by stuffing them; they actually taste not to bad raw either; but if your going to try that, MAKE SURE YOU ASK IF IT IS GRAPE!!! I come from the country and know the different leaves and fruit; so for me it is just seeing what used to be common place;
A person is poor, when they are wanting something that they cannot have; I don't think of myself as poor, because there is nothing that I can't have, if I am willing to wait for it; if a person can't wait, and MUST have it NOW, then they are truly poor, no matter how much money they may have, because they will never be satisfied or content;

today is the future, tomorrow never comes

with that I start a new chapter in my life, I have opened up a store on Cafe Press: called High Hopes Cafe; was going to name it Cafe' Deviante' but thought that might be better for later ;0
there is nothing in it right now, just a few lines of code and description;
there is a deep learning curve, of setting up items, graphis, and other things; the pages are HTML so there is the aspect of web design involved, though I think they have tried to minimize that; but on the whole it is going to be a while before I am past the novice stage, and into producing quantity items for sale;
the other aspect is that Spring and Summer are coming, and it is getting warm and sunny; who wants to spend their summer in the basement, away from the sun; done enough of that this past winter; so I have been looking around at getting a laptop that I bought off of my son repaired; monedtarily that is going to be about as expensive as buying a new one, perhaps more; so I have tried an alternative; I have an old Mac PowerBook c. 1999, running OS X Panther; and I have been having the job and joy of finding out that the OS and the programs that it supports are out of date for accessing Cafe Press; it is a miracle that it is allowing me to type this into the post editor; but it is, and for that I am grateful; it even allows me to check my mail, so won't complain; as for manipulating graphics; well, I am not going to push it too far ;-0
just found that I can log into Facebook, but again no joy with Cafe Press yet!!! well, not perfect, but perhaps there is hope for some limited use; get me out of the dungeon LOL will report later with the address of the store and how I am doing getting products for sale ;) oh, btw, I have purchased 12 months time for the store; cost 80 dollars Canadian;
hmmmm just noticed I don't have the ability to upload photos here or any of the other extras; like I said, LIMITED!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

A His-Story and Her-Story Ramble

The English School System is a complex subject, but in history studies, they begin with the invasion of the Romans in 43BC... having read, read, re-read 4 or 5 times in the past 6 months, Frances Pryor's books, Seahenge and Britain BC, I am amazed that it is left until college or university to teach people about the wealth of information that is there about the roots of British Culture and history... from the Earliest Stone age 400,000 years ago to the Bronze and Iron Ages... the British Museum has of it's displays, 2% in total for pre 43BC... that is like having 98% represent 0.004% of the time that man has been in these islands... a serious error I believe...

Pre-history is so much more important and rich than that... it was when the British Cultural Roots were being formed, something the Romans didn't create, they only tried to eradicate it, but ended up adding to it... even the roots of Camelot may be in the Bronze Age, with the sword from the stone being paralleled in the creation of swords through bronze casting... they didn't beat the metal like we do Iron, but they cast it in Clay Moulds... breaking the mould when it was cooled and the sword would come out of the stone, a one of a kind, to be named, having a personality of it's own... and the lady of the lake... well, the religion back then was one of appeasement of the ancestors and the spirits, by... wait for it-------------------placing offerings in the lakes and bogs... and many a sword and axe has been found in old lake and bog sites, along with other offerings...

I don't think that this takes away from the story, but adds to it... a recent show on a so called King of Stonehenge brought a real surprise... the person was not British, but from the area of Switzerland... he had been buried with very rich grave goods for the time... and as was pointed out, only the wealthy or strong were given burials, the common people ended up with probably much less... a cremation at best, the worst doesn't bear thinking about... and this King? They think was current when Stonehenge was being turned from wood to stone, the very beginning of the huge construction projects that would take millennium, and ultimately would end with what we see today... 4000 years ago... before bronze was first smelted, but when Gold was...

And before I forget, Stonehenge's ceremonial/special place in religion began almost 9,000 years ago... with 4 large poles being placed at separate times in the ground... which co-insides with another find in the year 2000 by Dr Clive Waddington... the first BRITISH house... he found the earliest one at the very edge of the end of the last Ice Age, around 10,000 years ago... and it is the typical British Neolithic round house... not square corners, like on the continent, but round... which begs the question, why... other than they do well in very windy weather, from experimental reconstructions... one in the South East, did well in the face of a near hurricane back in the 80's, when modern buildings were being torn apart...

Oh, and before I forget, the 10,000 year old house was found in Scotland at Howick ;) and Britain at the time, was still connected to the continent by a land bridge which was inhabited by stone age family groups, from research done by a new branch of archaeology in the North Sea, underwater archaeology... which owes some of it's beginnings from the North Sea Oil and Gas Fields research...

And speaking of ICE AGES and WARMING TRENDS... the end of the last major period of ice did not end on a sharp note... no indeed... it warmed up for a bit, though cooler than today, then dipped right back down, before warming up in what archaeologists think was a 50 year period, about 3 generations, to warmer than it is today... before settling down again, and taking another 1300 years for the biggest part of the land bridge to be flooded...

Now I don't want to be taken as a nay-sayer about climate change... whatever the cause, be it human intervention or 'natural?' it doesn't matter, we face the same crises as our ancestors, with the rising of the waters, and flooding that created the North Sea... btw I can only imagine what they must have been thinking when they looked North to the Sea and saw the storms and the waters flooding their camps and settlements... I wonder if that is where they got their religious respect for water, and the offerings they made... one thing I do know... when it came to religion, it was like their version of the Credit Card, they never left home without it... it was always with them in every little detail of their lives... little wonder... and after the effect the flooding has had on England in 2007 and the major snow storms this year, and the lack of snow here in Canada, will we change as well????

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Where Has Our Moral Compass Gone

I struggled whether to post this here or on the Political blog; however this crosses political boundaries to encompass our whole society;

Recent events have brought me to the conclusion that the opponents of bringing the Constitution home to Canada, and re-writing our Rights and Freedoms, were right; we have become a litigious nation, afraid to be anything but either politically correct or not step beyond the confines the rules that govern our behaviour in the work place or in public;
First on the list, is the death by suicide of a young mentally troubled woman, who had been bounced from one holding facility, to another, watched by 7 guards, none of whom intervened because it is alleged that it was against the work rules; no one had the moral fortitude to go against the rules and 'DO THE RIGHT THING'!!
Second a Police officer stopped a speeding motorist, who happened to be a heart specialist, on his way to an emergency at a local hospital; instead of giving all assistance the police office spent 10 minutes, writing a ticket; and we have all seen videos of how slowly the police move in those circumstances; taking more time than is necessary to go to the washroom; the officer's superior says that the giving of assistance to emergency vehicles is now not allowed due to potential insurance liability; so, the officers that gave assistance (by escorting the cabs) to my mother and several other people, who had missed their train after arriving in Canada by boat, at Quebec City, in 1953, would today have been on the carpet for misconduct;
Third, the Scanner debate or NON-debate as you will, regarding the scanning in airports of young people under the age of 18; what is the problem with people that they cannot understand the difference between pornography and normal exhibitions of the human body; Pornography is the sexualization of the human body, ie portraying it in sexually explicit ways that serve to depict sexual acts; scanning of human figures standing straight is not pornography; if it is, then a few thousand years of art history needs to be put behind closed doors to protect the public, and the taking of pictures at naturist /nudist camps and nude / topless beaches has to be governed as illegal and anyone taking such pictures arrested for producing pornography; I'll only mention in passing the 'possible' hoard of pictures taken by parents of their children in their Birthday Suits, as cute images of growing up;
Fourth, now our Government in Ottawa has decided to cover it's Cowardliness in the face of possible accusations of wrong doing, to run and hide, hoping that the public will grow weary or be distracted by other events of the day; so that in 3 months Parliament can re-convene and the wrong doing can be swept under the carpet; the problem for the Government is, that there are more problems coming, so what happens then, will the sitting be cut short again, to 'recalibrate' again; the Government cannot run every time it fears opposition; discussion and openness is what our Parliamentary Democracy is based on;
fifth, the Government again has tried to derail an examination of it's care of Native Canadian children on reserves, by appealing on the grounds that they don't believe the venue had the proper authority to examine the issue; by April the Government will have delayed the meetings, by almost a year, and making any effective changes to the lives of the children affected, delayed as well; where is the morality in that; more children today are in the care of Social Services than at any time during the days of when forced integration of Native Children took them off the reserves;
the debate of how to help the children and Native Canadians on Reserves has been an ongoing one for decades, and no one is coming to any sustainable conclusions; just one more study after another; all pigeon holed and left to gather dust; while the Indian Affairs Department, to give it it's old name, just twiddles it's thumbs and does nothing and the Governments of the the day, just ignore the issues, because these people do not have enough political clout to warrant paying attention to; and when they do stand up and fight for their rights, the Governments of the day fight back, instead of dealing with the issues; where is the MORALITY IN THAT!!! WE ARE CANADA, and if we can pour hundreds of millions of dollars into Afghanistan, half a world away and a cultural divide beyond that, why can't we see to it that the people in this country that are as close to us as brothers and sisters are not give an equally fair shake!!

these are not the only examples, I should mention the memorial put up to the victim of an alleged honour killing, in South Western Ontario, and the controversy in the community over the appropriateness of this memorial gesture to a sad death; or the politicizing of a memorial page on Facebook to a young child that recently died put up by it's parents; these are not isolated cases;
we have to find our moral compass again, otherwise cases like these will only multiply and people will become inured to the constant barrage and just give up trying; is this the way The Just Society of the 70's envisaged our country growing??? I for one who grew up in the 50's and 60's don't believe so; come on Canada, lets get it back on track;