The title outlines the purpose very succinctly… Walking out my destiny… taken from the title of a religious magazine I found in the bathroom this morning… Kenneth Copeland Ministries… July 2006… perhaps I should have read it earlier ;0… but walking I am doing now… my brother and I began last week, but one thing and another, he got distracted from it, and I just waited for him to get back on track… however, last night I had a bad night, and lots of dreams… always dream, never go to sleep without dreaming… most are what I call entertainment, nothing to write home about… but this morning I had one which upon waking had me thinking a mile a minute… getting into shape… ideas were coming at me from every direction… from going walking, to fixing up a used tread mill that I had repaired, into a gym centre, with weights, and pulleys, to making weights that would fit on my body, without encumbering it so that I couldn't move around, or work… like some of the stuff I see people in Gym Ads wearing, leg and ankle weights, definitely not what I am looking for… want something that I can wear with street clothes and it isn't noticeable that I am, aside from perhaps appearing a bit overweight… (NB have resorted to plastic bags of cat litter, it is almost like sand, 2lb weights, 3 bags to begin with, in the bottom of knapsack)
The point to the wearing weights, over weight people can loose weight faster than lighter people because their bodies have to work harder… ergo, if I add weight, then my body has to work harder and the weight will come off faster… now I am hoping that by positioning the weight in areas that need to lose weight that too will have a beneficial affect… perhaps, perhaps not ;)
This morning, I knew that I could not get the weights ready, so I got my Sony CD player and put some batteries in it, only to find that the music, which I hadn't listened to since this time last year, while working at the church, was Christmas music ;0… then I got the camera and tripod, put 3 layers of shirts and my fav hoodie on… I met my brother as I was getting ready… he was headed back to bed, after he had a rough night, at 6:45… told him, and he said, 'I'll believe you, thousands wouldn't!!'
I headed out at 7, and walked down to the lake, thinking that I would take a few pictures, not that the weather was any good, dark and dismal… very over cast… it took me only 15 minutes to get to the lake, then I wandered around within a very constricted area, taking pics, then started back at 7:20… arriving at 8:39… took longer because I was still taking pictures ;0… really got into it hahaha… anyway, I arrived home and made some coffee from Chile, which a friend of my eldest daughter's gave me, and set about blogging… when it went frizz… I did take a pedometer that my brother had given me last week, and it registered 5449 steps, which translates into about 2.57 miles… so really not bad as a start… but as I have discovered once started, gotta keep going… so there will be more morning walks to the lake… perhaps taking the whole morning to walk about… as for the weights and the tread mill, that will have to wait for another day…
right now I have some work for money to do, packaging sample breakfast diet drinks HOL, now how is that for co-incidence… only found out when I had a peek while sorting stuff out just now… I REALLY think Some one is trying awfully hard to get through hahaha…