Thursday, July 3, 2008

what is happening here, it isn't perfectly clear

well, don't stop people, keep reading ;0
what is happening, is that I am moving this blog, out of the dark corners of the blogsphere, into the light of day... why... an encounter of the 3rd kind sorta; had a message that said I should go to this hill in SW USA; hmmmmmm haven't started making mud pies in the living room yet, so can't be that...
alright, it is because I have been inspired to do more writing... what with all the posting around that I have been doing on other people's sites, and the creation of 'The Female Holocaust' site, have decided it is about time that I get back into writing...
Years and years ago I used to do a lot... actually would start with a word, and just go with the flow and in no time have an essay, on that word... don't think I'll be doing that exactly, but take ideas and work out an essay on them... this is a short cut, in that I will also start another blog site, dedicated to Nature, and Nature photography... not like WWF or National G., just my own photographs and essays and poetry built around them... YES!!! I do write poetry... again something I gave up when work began to take up more and more of my energy... ok, so there you have it... will have two sets of blogs, the personal for Family, to keep in contact, and this set, for expressing myself to the blogsphere at large...
and if a butterfly comes fluttering by, this is a howdy do... ;)

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