Thursday, May 31, 2012

What is th e Overveiw Effect, and what are it's advantages

If nothing else, everyone down here on the surface needs to get a dose of the Overview Effect, yesterday.
First off, what is it
       Back in the Apollo Era and since then, Astronauts that go into space, and see the planet from a distance, as a blue, white, brown and green orb, hanging in a velvet black sky, with it's Earth Phases (similar to the phases of the Moon) are awe struck and have a paradigm shift in World View or consciousness; this changed there way of thinking about their place in the human family, and their view of the place that we as a group have in relationship to our planet, the Fragile Nest Syndrome;

So what does this have to do with the statement above
     WELL, pretty much everything; what the person who said it is suggesting, is that everyone on the planet Earth, needs to see the world, their place in it, and our collective place, on the Planet, and in the Universe, as an astronaut had;
      Just as when Galleio turned his telescope from looking at distant objects on the planet, to distant objects in the sky, and forever changed Man’s place in the Solar System and the Cosmos, then when Hubble discovered that his Nebula were actually Islands of Stars in a Universe filled with such Islands, we have been expanding our view of our place in that Universe, or Universes, becoming less and less The Centre of Creation, that our Religions had once placed us at; making those that look up, realize how small and yet remarkable we are in this Universe, while we look outward;
      But getting outside our planet and having a look back is all the more astounding, as it is unexpected after all the mind bending, conscious raising experiences of education here on Earth, because it is so profoundly life changing; people who come back, (and there have been over 500 since the dawn of the Space Age when Yuri Gagarin first flew) that it has become a noticeable reaction to Space Travel; and as more and more people, who are simply tourists, travel into Space, the number of voices will be raised and the effects on our societies will be more noticeable, as they tell people of the experience, and get them to go;
       If a large enough number, a tipping force, could be translated into Space to view the world in REAL time, and not just through the eye of a camera, the effect on our planet would be unstoppable; the future would be forever changed, and us with it; as a Space Faring Species we would be able to look out from our home, with one view, and in a hoped for harmony; to cherish the home, while searching out, or building Deep Space place for us to live in our Solar System, and eventually other star systems; we would truly become the Intelligence that is unstoppable in it’s search for The Ultimate
Questions of Life and The Universe;

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