Tuesday, October 20, 2009

you think you understand them, then if falls apart

WOMEN!! ;0

well, I have signed off on the second to last person from POF; she is not interested in a friendship or dating at my physical/fiscal limits; so now it is JY and I that are left; and we will see what happens; it is what it is, and why try to understand; well because I am a MAN!! and that is what men do LOL, so after a pit (that was a typing error, but leaving it ;) of pain and wound licking, going to try to sort out what happened and learn from it; won't happen in a blog; that would be tooooooooooo easy; no, for this will get the Cabin set up and furniture built and somewhere inbetween I will think on this corrundum and try to make sense of it; lots to keep me busy, without a woman in my life as help mate or 'SHE' WHO MUST BE OBEYED; will have time to re read Rumple of the Old Bailey ;0 perhaps find some more of his work; listen to my music and cultivate being an eccentric ;-0 started my winter beard, and by Christmas should look a lot like Father Christmas; will get photos and post ;0, no holly or Ivy, but will work out something from the local co-op!! my daughter in England is coming home for Christmas, so will surprise her LOL!!

Projects for Nesting Fall 2009

downsize, Downsize, DOWNSIZE!!

Projects done To work on next In between NEXT and LATER To be do later:Time & $ permits


1) insulate the NW corner of the bed sitting room
2) move the book shelves from work room into the NW Corner
3) remove Mark’s stuff from under the bed, to Work room
4) rebuilt bed into bed/sofa
5) move the file cabinets into Work room
6) moved extra bookcase next to Gas Meter, moved to kitchen
7) move wash stand into Bed Sitter

8) Black Ink for Printer
9) sorted out books & papers, to keep, only enough to fit in the shelf Dad built
10) set up 1.86ghz computer and stereo equipment as entertainment centre
11) close in door way; do a Dutch door arrangement
12) build low Clothes Rack for Bed Sitter
13) Door Bell for side door
14) Find one place to keep photos, and leave them there to organize / store
15) See if son can take some of his stuff
16) build new Computer/Secretary’s Desk w/ room for dual monitors for 2.2ghz computer
17) pass through; shrink with 2x4” & insert frame for canvas and wall board
18) sort old painting for keeping or letting the kids take
19) Finish Bed/Sofa: mattress and folding back board
20) Modest Wine Cellar; Bought – South African, Chilean, Canadian make list; Home Made brews, Ginger Beer, Apple Cider begin in late October; 1 gallon batches; maximum number of bottles, 24-30

21) investigate more memory & additional video cards; larger LED Screen (36-48”) for Ent. Centre
22) build desk for Entertainment Centre w/imitation Fireplace,
23) set up 20 gallon Aquarium for fish in bed sitter (neon tropical fish)

24) make one sample home made Solar Electric Panel, see if it really will work


1) Moved the storage units Microwave stand, further into the dinning area
2) Put the kitchen back into working order, do dishes
3) Clear the dinning area of extra stuff,
4) Get mop and wash floor in Kitchen/Dining area
5) Sort out the bits and pieces of wood left from projects; do dump run

6) Extend the counter space 28” with a [movable?] counter
7) New taps for sink; Paint the cupboards under the counter
8) Level Thomas’ old wall unit & stove;
9) Light in dinning area
10) Find some place else to hang produce baskets
11) move the exercise equipment out

12) Put legs on table top in closet
13) Paint canvas for closing in closet area; hanging curtain arrangement
14) close in the kitchen cupboards with swing doors
15) new tile for the kitchen floor; re paint the walls

Work room

1) sort tools, computer equipment/extras and crafting equipment; set up work spaces
2) clean up and down size unnecessary clutter, make room to work
3) fix the large Work Mate

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